Better Coach Development Systems
Better Coaching
Better Athlete Experiences & Outcomes


North American
Coach Development Summit

In-Person Summit June 9-11, 2025 in Oklahoma City, OK

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sponsor rowman
sponsor usta
sponsor Lakeshore
sponsor Tucker  center
sponsor  Randolph College
sponsor  Adrenaline Solutions
sponsor  Michigan State

Professional Standards and

Best Professional Practices in Sport Coaching

Supporting sport coaching education systems through NCACE Recognition and Accreditation

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Equity, and Inclusion

Supporting sport coaching education systems and coach developers at all levels of sport

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Better Coach

Development Systems





Better Athlete

Experience & Outcomes



The USCCE is a national non-profit organization dedicated to elevating and enhancing the professions of sport coaching, coach education and coach development.



The United States Center for Coaching Excellence (USCCE) was established in December 2016, marking the culmination of over two decades of dedicated work by passionate individuals committed to fostering quality sport experiences through effective sport leadership.

Originating in the mid-1990s, the U.S. Coaching Coalition brought together leaders from various sport organizations to address coaching and coach education in the United States.


Agents of Change

The USCCE rejects racism and discrimination of any kind. As we are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, we feel a sense of obligation to broadening access across sport, coaching, and coaching education.


North American Coach

Development Summit

The North American Coach Development Summit brings together professionals from across the globe to share practical coaching knowledge and best practices.



These virtual events provide opportunities for coach educators and developers from various sports and contexts to engage in conversation and collaboration.

Coach Developer


We offer a comprehensive training program that equips you with the skills and knowledge to excel as a coach developer.

Coach Developers’ Network

Join the Network

The CDN provides resources and enhanced networking opportunities for students, academics and professionals who work with coaches

Research Grant Program

Promoting research investigating effectiveness of coach education and coach development programs.

Jobs & Internships

Find opportunities in coaching education & coach development or submit your job posting materials to us..



The National Committee for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE) is a committee overseen by the United States Center for Coaching Excellence (USCCE), a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the coaching profession, coaching education, and coach development.

NCACE operates with the goal of granting accreditation to educational programs that meet or exceed the requirements outlined in the NCACE Guidelines for Accreditation of Coaching Education.

Become a Member

Join the USCCE

When you care about Quality Coaching Education, Coach Development & Coaching, become a USCCE Member to join the conversation, network with your peers, and receive membership perks

News and Insight

We are committed to giving you a complete place to stay up-to-date, learn new things, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.