2023 North American Coach Development Summit
Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors
Registration Is Closed!
We are happy to announce that the 2025 North American Coach Development Summit registration will open soon! We look forward to seeing each of you this year in Oklahoma City, OK!
Registration will be open up until the event. However, registration will not be accepted onsite. Cancellation of your event registration after May 29th will result in no refunds. For any cancellations before May 29th, you will recieve a $50 refund.
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Lindsey Blom
Ball State Univeristy
Department Chair School of Kinesiology & Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Dr. Nicole LaVoi
University of Minnesota
Director, Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport
Allie Riley, PhD
Girls on the Run International
Chief Program Officer
Genevieve Altomare
University of Northern Colorado
Graduate Assistant for Graduate Student Engagement
Lee Arakawa
Springfield College
Assistant Professor
Ani Chroni
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Bobby Click
US Center for SafeSport
VP Response & Resolution
Joshua Coon
San Juan College
Adjunct Psychology Instructor
Sierra Cordova
California State University, Los Angeles
Assistant Professor
Marc O. Dagenais
Adrenaline Solutions
Co-Founder & Lead Consultant
Sean Dahlin
Central Washington University
Assistant Professor
Nina Deer
Illinois Wesleyan University
Assistant Lacrosse Coach
Kristen Dieffenbach
USCCE & Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Science at WVU
Executive Director
Andrew Driska
Michigan State University
Associate Professor
Jeremy Elliott
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Department Chair
Drew Ferguson
Coach Safely Foundation
CEO Coach Safely Foundation
Stephanie Fryer
University of Western States
Doctoral Candidate
Lori Gano-Overway
James Madison University
Associate Professor
Jarrell Garcia
University of Rhode Island
Associate Director of Campus Recreation
Marla Gladstone
West Virginia University
Graduate Assistance
Mark Griffiths
University of Birmingham
Academic / Researcher
Meghan Halbrook, Ph.D.
Randolph College
Coaching & Sport Leadership Program Director
Sue Halden-Brown
Equestrian Coach Education International Pty Ltd
Robert Herron
University of Montevallo
Assistant Professor
Rich Hoyt
University of Cincinnati
Visiting Assistant Professor, Experience-Based Learning and Career Education
Christi Johnson
Cornell College
Associate Professor, Kinesiology (Sport and Exercise Psychology)
Cameron Kiosoglous
USCCE/ Drexel/ USRowing
Jody Langdon
Georgia Southern University
Wonhee Lee
University of Alabama
Doctoral Student
Maris Lidums
La Trobe University
Senior Lecturer Sport Coaching
Han-Earl Lim
West Virginia University
Doctoral student
Joanna Line
Adidas x Athlete Ally Research Fellow | Athletics Inclusive
Climate & Belonging Senior Specialist Athlete Ally
Heather McCall
John McCarthy
Boston University
Director, Institute for Athletic Coach Education
Lauren McHenry
McHenry Mental Performance, LLC
Mental Performance Consultant and Coach Developer
Jon Metz
Shelby Miller
The University Of Tennessee
PhD Student
Christine Nash
University of Edinburgh
Programme Director
Natalie Norman
Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Executive Director
Katlin Okamoto
U.S. Soccer Foundation
Director, Coach-Mentor Training
Jen Oldham
Board, WFencing, Inc..
Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club
Jannicke Nikolaisen Pettersen
Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences
Sarah Pickens
U.S. Soccer Foundation
VP, Programs
Cathleen Randall
Fencing Academy & Club 26
Chair, WFencing, Inc.; Coach & Leadership Team, Forge
Ashley Raulli
Mastery Performance Consulting
Desiree Robertson
Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences
MENTOR National
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Jennifer Roth
Lauren Secaras
Michigan State University
Audrey Shaw
TrueSport Education Lead
Tammy Sheehy
Bridgewater College
Assistant Professor
Kimberly A. Smith
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Assistant Professor | Director
Andreas Stamatis
University of Louisville
Clinical Associate Professor
Natalia Stambulova
Sara Steinman
Drexel University
Doctoral Student
Katherine Starr
Hannah (Severs) Swartz
West Virginia University
Doctoral Student & Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant
Hannah Swartz
Doctoral student
West Virginia University
Melissa Thompson
U of Southern Mississippi
Shane Thomson
John R. Todorovich
University of West Florida
Brian Tomlinson
U.S. Center for SafeSport
Director of Investigations
Christina Villalon
Tarleton State University
Assistant Professor
Eric Williams
U.S. Center for SafeSport
Director of Investigations
Charles “Hal” Wilson
Georgia Southern University
Associate Professor of Coaching Education
Andrea Woodburn
Laval University
Associate Professor
Lawrie Woodman
Dr. Rebecca Zakrajsek
University of Tennessee
Associate Professor
Dr. Lindsey Blom
Ball State Univeristy
Department Chair School of Kinesiology & Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Dr. Lindsey Blom is the Chairperson for the School of Kinesiology, a Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology, and the Faculty Athletics Representative at Ball State University interested in psycho-social aspects of youth sport and sport for development and peace. For the past fifteen years, she has investigated positive youth development through sport and using sport to promote peace at the individual, community, and international levels.. Throughout her academic career, Dr. Blom has co-authored over 70 journal articles, book chapters, and a book, Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Soccer, and received over a million dollars in externally funded grants as the principal investigator or Co-PI, with two recent PI grants related to sport of social change funded by the Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ SportsUnited program. Dr. Blom also serves on the Board of Director for Dream Sports Africa and Ball State’s Center for Peace and Conflict Studies as well as the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Editorial Board. She is also a Fellow for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology and serving as the Past-President of the organization. To accompany her educational training and research experience, Lindsey has over 17 years of consulting experience as a certified mental performance consultant (CMPC) and over 15 years of experience as a youth soccer coach. Additionally, as a soccer coach, she has worked with children ages 4 to 18, in recreational, competitive, and school-based settings using her experiences as a semi-professional and Hall of Fame Division I soccer player.
Keynote – A Seat at the Table: Mental Health and Coach Development
June 12, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia Ballroom
During this presentation, the speaker will discuss the need for mental health education to be a deliberate part of coach education and development. Information highlighting current discussions happening at the NCAA and NFHS levels as well as possible content and methods of integration will be shared.
Dr. Lindsey Blom
Department Chair School of Kinesiology & Professor of Sport and Exercise
Psychology, Ball State University
Charles “Hal” Wilson
Associate Professor of Coaching Education
Georgia Southern University
Dr. Lindsey Blom is the Chairperson for the School of Kinesiology, a Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology, and the Faculty Athletics Representative at Ball State University interested in psycho-social aspects of youth sport and sport for development and peace. For the past fifteen years, she has investigated positive youth development through sport and using sport to promote peace at the individual, community, and international levels.. Throughout her academic career, Dr. Blom has co-authored over 70 journal articles, book chapters, and a book, Survival Guide for Coaching Youth Soccer, and received over a million dollars in externally funded grants as the principal investigator or Co-PI, with two recent PI grants related to sport of social change funded by the Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ SportsUnited program. Dr. Blom also serves on the Board of Director for Dream Sports Africa and Ball State’s Center for Peace and Conflict Studies as well as the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Editorial Board. She is also a Fellow for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology and serving as the Past-President of the organization. To accompany her educational training and research experience, Lindsey has over 17 years of consulting experience as a certified mental performance consultant (CMPC) and over 15 years of experience as a youth soccer coach. Additionally, as a soccer coach, she has worked with children ages 4 to 18, in recreational, competitive, and school-based settings using her experiences as a semi-professional and Hall of Fame Division I soccer player.
Driving Campus Engagement and Student Opportunities through a Professional Development Series
June 12, 2023 2:15 PM – 2:30 PM
Magnolia III
Charles “Hal” Wilson
Associate Professor of Coaching Education
Georgia Southern University
Sierra Cordova
Assistant Professor
California State University, Los Angeles
Specializes in positive youth development through the intersection of social-emotional learning and physical activity in urban communities; scholarship also focuses on Physical Education teacher education, as well as best-practices for effective coaching; received terminal degree in Educational Leadership with an emphasis on social justice and reform within components of the educational system.
Following a Sensory Compass: Meeting the Sensory Needs of Athletes
June 12, 2023 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Magnolia I
Sierra Cordova
Assistant Professor, California State University, Los Angeles
Dr. Nicole LaVoi
University of Minnesota
Director, Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport
Nicole M. LaVoi, Ph.D. is a Senior Lecturer in the area of social and behavioral sciences in the School of Kinesiology at the University of Minnesota and the Director of the Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport. Through her multidisciplinary research she answers critical questions that can make a difference in the lives of sport stakeholders—particularly girls and women. As a leading scholar on gender, leadership and women coaches, Dr. LaVoi has published 100+ book chapters, research reports and peer-reviewed articles across multiple disciplines. Her seminal research includes the annual Women in College Coaching Report Card™ which is aimed at retaining and increasing the number of women in the coaching profession and holding decision makers accountable, a groundbreaking book Women in Sports Coaching (2016), and a documentary GAME ON: Women Can Coach (2018). GAME ON is the third Emmy- nominated collaborative film project with tptMN; the first was Concussion & Female Athletes (2011) and the second, Media Coverage & Female Athletes: Women Play Sports, Just Not in the Media (2013) won a regional Emmy for best sports documentary. As a public scholar she hosts a podcast, consults with a variety of stakeholder groups, speaks frequently around the world, fields media requests, provides thought leadership, and serves on numerous mission-driven, national advisory boards related to girls and women in sport. LaVoi played collegiate tennis at Gustavus Adolphus College earning two-time Academic All-American status and an NCAA-III National Team Championship, and currently serves on the Board of Trustees. Prior to her career in the academy, she was a USPTA Teaching Pro, an assistant coach at Carleton College, and the head tennis coach at Wellesley College. In her free time she enjoys being outdoors, biking, hiking, golf, and soaking up the sun.
Keynote – Coaching HER: Challenging the Status Quo
June 14, 2023 10:15 AM – 11:15 AM
Magnolia Ballroom
Dr. LaVoi will discuss and outline a new, evidence-based and tested online tool for coaches of girls, Coaching HER. Gender impacts every aspect of coaching, as well as every aspect of girls’ sport experiences. Coaching HER tackles the most central, yet unaddressed issue which negatively impacts girls’ performance, self-perceptions, sport choices and experiences: coaches’ unconscious gender biases and stereotypes. Coaching HER is designed to help get and keep girls in sport through critical drop out ages.
Nicole M. LaVoi
Director, Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport
University of Minnesota
Allie Riley, PhD
Girls on the Run International
Chief Program Officer
Allie (she/her) joined the team at Girls on the Run HQ in 2013. After beginning her career as a mental health counselor working with girls in a residential treatment facility, Allie was drawn to strategies and programs that prioritize positive youth development. She believes in the pivotal role that sports and physical activity can play in youth development when contexts are intentionally designed. Allie earned her PhD in social work with a specialization in positive youth development in social settings from Ohio State University (OSU) and also holds a master’s degree in social work with a concentration in clinical practices with children and youth from OSU, a master’s degree in kinesiology from Purdue University and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Virginia. With over fifteen years of experience designing, implementing and evaluating physical activity-based positive youth development programs, Allie now oversees the development and delivery of all programming and training at Girls on the Run to ensure maximum impact.
Keynote – The Journey to a Coach Education Approach that Ensures Quality and Maximizes Impact
June 13, 2023 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Magnolia Ballroom
We all know the power of a prepared coach – but the process of developing and scaling a coach education approach that ensures quality and maximizes impact can be a journey. During this session, Dr. Allie Riley will share insights from more than 10 years leading coach training efforts at Girls on the Run International, a girl-empowerment program provided by a network of 175 councils that engages about 50,000 volunteer coaches and 200,000 program participants a year. Attendees will explore practical strategies for using external research and feedback from the field to continuously improve training. Dr. Riley will share examples from the evolution of coach education at Girls on the Run, including successes, lessons learned, and challenges the organization continues to address. Throughout the session, attendees will assess their own coach education approach and consider what’s possible in the next phase of their journey.
Allie Riley, PhD
Chief Program Officer, Girls on the Run International
Stephanie Fryer
Doctoral Candidate
University of Western States
Athlete Maltreatment, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Using a Trauma-Informed Lenst
June 12, 2023 1:35 PM – 1:55 PM
Magnolia IV
Stephanie Fryer
Doctoral Candidate, University of Western States
John R. Todorovich
University of West Florida
Barriers and Facilitators to Utilizing Synchronous Sport Performance Data Analytics in Club Soccer
June 12, 2023 3:10 PM – 3:30 PM
Magnolia IV
John R. Todorovich
Professor, University of West Florida
Jennifer Roth
Jennifer Roth
Jody Langdon
Georgia Southern University
Jody Langdon
Professor, Georgia Southern University
Rich Hoyt
Visiting Assistant Professor, Experience-Based Learning and Career Education
University of Cincinnati
Maximizing Athletic Program and Individual Talent Development: A Group (Level Assessment) Effort
June 12, 2023 1:15 PM – 1:35 PM
Magnolia IV
Rich Hoyt
Visiting Assistant Professor, Experience-Based Learning and Career Education, University of Cincinnati
Maris Lidums
Lecturer – Sport Coaching and Development
La Trobe University
Triumphs and Challenges of Implementing an Action Research Project into a Strength & Conditioning Postgraduate Course
June 13, 2023 2:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Magnolia III
Maris Lidums
Lecturer – Sport Coaching and Development, La Trobe University
Jarrell Garcia
Associate Director of Campus Recreation
University of Rhode Island
Coaching the Athlete and Person: Informing Coaches Role in Developing Athletes Off the Field
June 13, 2023 1:45 PM – 2:45 PM
Magnolia II
Jarrell Garcia
Associate Director of Campus Recreation, University of Rhode Island
Tammy Sheehy
Assistant Professor
Bridgewater College
Supporting High Performance Coaches’ Perceptions of Success: The Role of Coach Educators, Coach Developers, and NGBs
June 13, 2023 3:15 PM – 3:35 PM
Magnolia III
Tammy Sheehy
Assistant Professor, Bridgewater College
Mark Griffiths
Academic / Researcher
University of Birmingham
A 12 year Study of Coach Education In Situ: Implications for Design, Practice, and Sustainability
June 12, 2023 11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
Magnolia III
Mark Griffiths
Academic / Researcher, University of Birmingham
Meghan Halbrook, Ph.D.
Coaching & Sport Leadership Program Director
Randolph College
Attitudes Towards Lesbian, Gay Male, and Bisexual Athletes
June 12, 2023 1:15 PM – 1:35 PM
Magnolia III
Meghan Halbrook, Ph.D.
Coaching & Sport Leadership Program Director, Randolph College
Joanna Line
Adidas x Athlete Ally Research Fellow | Athletics Inclusive Climate & Belonging Senior Specialist
Athlete Ally
Maximizing Collective Capacity Through Collaborative Leadership
June 12, 2023 1:55 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia III
Joanna Line
Adidas x Athlete Ally Research Fellow | Athletics Inclusive Climate & Belonging Senior Specialist, Athlete Ally
John McCarthy
Director, Institute for Athletic Coach Education
Boston University
Examining the Athletic Director’s Role in Coach Development
June 12, 2023 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Magnolia II
John McCarthy
Director, Institute for Athletic Coach Education, Boston University
Genevieve Altomare
Graduate Assistant for Graduate Student Engagement
University of Northern Colorado
A Comparison of Collegiate Coaches’ and Players’ Perceptions of the Coaches’ Multicultural Competence
June 13, 2023 3:55 PM – 4:15 PM
Magnolia III
Lee Arakawa
Assistant Professor, Springfield College
Genevieve Altomare
Graduate Assistant for Graduate Student Engagement
University of Northern Colorado
Brian Tomlinson
Director of Investigation
U.S. Center for SafeSport
Brian Tomlinson
Director of Investigations, U.S. Center for SafeSport
Eric Williams
Director of Investigations, U.S. Center for SafeSport
Eric Williams
Director of Investigation
U.S. Center for SafeSport
Brian Tomlinson
Director of Investigations, U.S. Center for SafeSport
Eric Williams
Director of Investigations, U.S. Center for SafeSport
Wonhee Lee
Doctoral Student
University of Alabama
Han-Earl Lim
Doctoral student, West Virginia University
Wonhee Lee
Doctoral Student, University of Alabama
Han-Earl Lim
Doctoral student
West Virginia University
Han-Earl Lim
Doctoral student, West Virginia University
Wonhee Lee
Doctoral Student, University of Alabama
Sue Halden-Brown
Equestrian Coach Education International Pty Ltd
Bridging the gap between new coach education & traditional coaching practices: Inter-sport educational strategies & challenges
June 12, 2023 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia II
Sue Halden-Brown
Equestrian Coach Education International Pty Ltd
Bridging the gap between new coach education & traditional coaching practices: Inter-sport educational strategies & challenges
June 12, 2023 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia II
Sue Halden-Brown
Equestrian Coach Education International Pty Ltd
Lori Gano-Overway
Associate Professor
James Madison University
Lori Gano-Overway is an associate professor and coaching education minor program director at James Madison University. She has been involved in coaching education for over 20 years and conducts research on how the social psychological climate can be structured to provide positive experiences for young people and foster positive youth development. As an AASP certified mental performance consultant she works with athletes on performance enhancement issues and collaborates with coaches on creating environments that foster positive experiences and performance enhancement outcomes for athletes. Lori serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, the International Sport Coaching Journal, and is the Editor for the Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal. She is a member of the Virginia High School League coaching education committee and serves on the National Advisory Board for the Positive Coaching Alliance.
Personal and Situational Factors that Influence Coaches’ Ability to Care Gano-Overway & McCall
June 13, 2023 3:35 PM – 3:55 PM
Magnolia III
Lori Gano-Overway
Associate Professor, James Madison University
Heather McCall
Heather McCall
Personal and Situational Factors that Influence Coaches’ Ability to Care Gano-Overway & McCall
June 13, 2023 3:35 PM – 3:55 PM
Magnolia III
Lori Gano-Overway
Associate Professor, James Madison University
Heather McCall
Hannah (Severs) Swartz
West Virginia University
Hannah (Severs) Swartz
West Virginia University
Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant
Hannah (Severs) Swartz
West Virginia University
Audrey Shaw
TrueSport Education Lead
Coach Mental Wellness: Prioritizing Self to Better Serve Others
June 12, 2023 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Magnolia I
Audrey Shaw
TrueSport Education Lead, TrueSport
Andreas Stamatis
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Louisville
Developing a Holistic Coaching Certification Aligned with USCCE Standards: The Case of the University of Louisville
June 13, 2023 1:45 PM – 2:00 PM
Magnolia III
Andreas Stamatis
Clinical Associate Professor, University of Louisville
Marla Gladstone
Graduate Assistance
West Virginia University
Examining Experiences and Expectations of Women Coaches Getting to Mid-Career
June 13, 2023 9:50 AM – 10:10 AM
Magnolia III
Marla Gladstone
Graduate Assistance
West Virginia University
Jennifer Oldham
Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club; Board, WFencing, Inc.., 26
Jen Oldham
Club Owner and Coach
Forge Fencing Teams
Fencing Learning Pods: A Model for Coaching Education
June 12, 2023 11:15 AM – 11:30 AM
Magnolia III
Jennifer Oldham
Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club; Board, WFencing, Inc.., 26
Abuse in Sport: Defining, Intervening and Eliminating
June 12, 2023 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Magnolia II
Jennifer Oldham
Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club; Board, WFencing, Inc.., 26
Examining Experiences and Expectations of Women Coaches Getting to Mid-Career
June 13, 2023 9:50 AM – 10:10 AM
Magnolia III
Marla Gladstone
Graduate Assistance
West Virginia University
Jennifer Oldham
Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club; Board, WFencing, Inc.., 26
Cathleen Randall
Chair, WFencing, Inc.; Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club 26
Jennifer Oldham
Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club; Board, WFencing, Inc.., 26
Abuse in Sport: Defining, Intervening and Eliminating
June 12, 2023 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Magnolia II
Jennifer Oldham
Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club; Board, WFencing, Inc.., 26
Lauren Secaras
Student, Michigan State University
Lauren Secaras
Michigan State University
Lauren Secaras
Student, Michigan State University
Christine Nash
Head of Institute
University of Edinburgh
Overcoming Inertia: Advancing Systems Change for Coach Development Pathways
June 13, 2023 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Magnolia II
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Christine Nash
Head of Institute, University of Edinburgh
The Value of Mentoring in Coach Development
June 14, 2023 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Magnolia II
Christine Nash
Head of Institute, University of Edinburgh
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Conversation Starter: Burning Questions in Coach Development
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia IV
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Christine Nash
Programme Director, University of Edinburgh
Andrea Woodburn
Associate Professor, Laval University
Sean Dahlin
Assistant Professor, Central Washington University
Jeremy Elliott
Department Chair, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Christina Villalon
Assistant Professor
Tarleton State University
Roles and Responsibilities of a Coach Developer in a Youth Soccer Setting in the United StatesVillalon & Dieffenbach
June 12, 2023 2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Magnolia III
Christina Villalon
Assistant Professor, Tarleton State University
Kristen Dieffenbach
Executive Director, USCCE & Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Science at WVU
Christina Villalon
Assistant Professor, Tarleton State University
Lawrie Woodman
Lawrie Woodman
Effective Coach Development in a Community Australian Football League
June 12, 2023 2:50 PM – 3:10 PM
Magnolia III
Christina Villalon
Assistant Professor, Tarleton State University
Lawrie Woodman
Melissa Thompson
U of Southern Mississippi
Overcoming Inertia: Advancing Systems Change for Coach Development Pathways
June 13, 2023 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Magnolia II
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Christine Nash
Head of Institute, University of Edinburgh
The Value of Mentoring in Coach Development
June 14, 2023 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Magnolia II
Christine Nash
Head of Institute, University of Edinburgh
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Conversation Starter: Burning Questions in Coach Development
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia IV
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Christine Nash
Programme Director, University of Edinburgh
Andrea Woodburn
Associate Professor, Laval University
Sean Dahlin
Assistant Professor, Central Washington University
Jeremy Elliott
Department Chair, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Andrea Woodburn
Associate Professor
Laval University
Coach Development Across Cultures: Reflections from a sabbatical year on the road
June 12, 2023 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM
Magnolia III
Andrea Woodburn
Associate Professor, Laval University
Conversation Starter: Burning Questions in Coach Development
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia IV
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Christine Nash
Programme Director, University of Edinburgh
Andrea Woodburn
Associate Professor, Laval University
Sean Dahlin
Assistant Professor, Central Washington University
Jeremy Elliott
Department Chair, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Andrew Driska
Associate Professor
University of Northern Colorado
Michigan State University
Getting more coach education and coach development programs Accredited: Advice on how to navigate the Accreditation process from recent NCACE clients
June 12, 2023 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Magnolia III
Andrew Driska
Andrew Driska Associate Professor
, Michigan State University
How to complete NCACE Accreditation and NCACE Recognition
June 13, 2023 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Magnolia I
Andrew Driska
Andrew Driska Associate Professor,
Michigan State University
Andrew Driska
Andrew Driska Associate Professor,
Michigan State University
Cameron Kiosoglous
USCCE/ Drexel/ USRowing
Better Coaching Practices: Perspectives Relating to Awareness of Neuroscience, the Latest Knowledge about the Brain, and Evidence-Based Practices: An International Sudy.
June 12, 2023 2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Magnolia IV
Cameron Kiosoglous
President, USCCE/ Drexel/ USRowing
Women Who Transition into Coaching: An Elite Athlete’s Perspective
June 13, 2023 9:30 AM – 9:50 AM
Magnolia III
Cameron Kiosoglous
President, USCCE/ Drexel/ USRowing
Assessing Learning in Coaching: Case Studies of Best Practices in Coach Learning
June 13, 2023 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Magnolia I
Cameron Kiosoglous
President, USCCE/ Drexel/ USRowing
Bobby Click
VP Response & Resolution
US Center for SafeSport
Jon Metz
Shane Thomson
Marc O. Dagenais
Co-Founder & Lead Consultant
Adrenaline Solutions
Hannah Swartz
Doctoral student
West Virginia University
Sara Steinman
Doctoral Student
Drexel University
Joshua Coon
Adjunct Psychology Instructor
San Juan College
Lee Arakawa
Assistant Professor, Springfield College
Genevieve Altomare
Graduate Assistant for Graduate Student Engagement
University of Northern Colorado
Kristen Dieffenbach
USCCE & Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Science at WVU
Roles and Responsibilities of a Coach Developer in a Youth Soccer Setting in the United StatesVillalon & Dieffenbach
June 12, 2023 2:30 PM – 2:50 PM
Magnolia III
Christina Villalon
Assistant Professor,
Kristen Dieffenbach
Executive Director
USCCE & Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Science at WVU
Ani Chroni
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
I possess extensive, versatile and specialized, high-level international experience with sport, academia, performance consulting, and advocacy with sport-related action-based organizations. Through a transnational career, my education and work roles, I developed a solid multi-cultural know-how. I speak English and Greek proficiently, some French, and manage to get by with basic Norwegian (plus polo-Spanish and ski-German).
As a performance psychology consultant, I have provided mental coaching services to athletes, teams, coaches and parents in multiple sports and countries plus done life coaching with the business sector. Lately am supporting retired athletes who struggle in finding their footing in life after sports.
As an academic, I have developed and taught many courses at all high education levels and in coaching education programs. As a researcher I have explored an array of areas and topics (mostly qualitatively) like elite athletes transitions to coaching, elite coaches’ stress, organizational support for elite coaches, the national and sport cultures blending in sport, sexual harassment in sport, self-talk, cognitive hardiness, competitiveness, and on-site coping. I am experienced with grant writing and was the first director of the Sport and Social Sciences Research Group established at Inland Norway University (2020-22).
I have an alpine ski background as an athlete and coach, and still serve as a Technical Delegate official for the FIS at international alpine races. I am also serving on AASP Committees and reviewer boards of peer-reviewed journals. I am the Past-President of WomenSport International, an NGO with special consultative status for the United Nations’ ECOSOC and the representative of WSI at the Permanent Consulting Counsel of CIGEPS (UNESCO) since 2014.
What the Children-to-Youth Sport Transition Means for Youth Sport Coaches
June 12, 2023 1:55 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia IV
Jannicke Nikolaisen Pettersen
Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences
Natalia Stambulova
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Ani Chroni
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Dangers of Coaching from Care to Control to Empowerment
June 13, 2023 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Magnolia II
Katherine Starr
Founder, Safe4Athletes
Ani Chroni
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Katherine Starr
Dangers of Coaching from Care to Control to Empowerment
June 13, 2023 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM
Magnolia II
Katherine Starr
Founder, Safe4Athletes
Ani Chroni
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Jannicke Nikolaisen Pettersen
Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences
What the Children-to-Youth Sport Transition Means for Youth Sport Coaches
June 12, 2023 1:55 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia IV
Jannicke Nikolaisen Pettersen
Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences
Natalia Stambulova
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Ani Chroni
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Natalia Stambulova
What the Children-to-Youth Sport Transition Means for Youth Sport Coaches
June 12, 2023 1:55 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia IV
Jannicke Nikolaisen Pettersen
Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences
Natalia Stambulova
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Ani Chroni
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Sean Dahlin
Assistant Professor
Central Washington University
Conversation Starter: Burning Questions in Coach Development
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia IV
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Christine Nash
Programme Director, University of Edinburgh
Andrea Woodburn
Associate Professor, Laval University
Sean Dahlin
Assistant Professor, Central Washington University
Jeremy Elliott
Department Chair, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Jeremy Elliott
Department Chair
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Dr. Jeremy Elliott is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Kinesiology at UAH. He also serves as the program coordinator for the Physical Education and Coaching programs. Prior to his career in academia, he spent time as both an athletic director and coach at the high school level in Northeast Georgia. While his teaching focuses on developing the next generation of Physical Education professionals, his primary research interests involve both coach adaptability and leadership. He has been an active member of NAKHE since 2018 and was selected for the NAKHE Leadership/Mentor Program in 2020.
Conversation Starter: Burning Questions in Coach Development
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia IV
Melissa Thompson
Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
Christine Nash
Programme Director, University of Edinburgh
Andrea Woodburn
Associate Professor, Laval University
Sean Dahlin
Assistant Professor, Central Washington University
Jeremy Elliott
Department Chair, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Drew Ferguson
CEO Coach Safely Foundation
Coach Safely Foundation
Youth Sport Coaching Training and Athlete Safety-Lessons Learned in Alabama
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia II
Kimberly A. Smith
Assistant Professor | Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor, University of Montevallo
Drew Ferguson
CEO Coach Safely Foundation, Coach Safely Foundation
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Natalie Norman
Executive Director, Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Natalie Norman
Executive Director
Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Youth Sport Coaching Training and Athlete Safety-Lessons Learned in Alabama
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia II
Kimberly A. Smith
Assistant Professor | Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor, University of Montevallo
Drew Ferguson
CEO Coach Safely Foundation, Coach Safely Foundation
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Natalie Norman
Executive Director, Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor
University of Montevallo
Youth Sport Coaching Training and Athlete Safety-Lessons Learned in Alabama
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia II
Kimberly A. Smith
Assistant Professor | Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor, University of Montevallo
Drew Ferguson
CEO Coach Safely Foundation, Coach Safely Foundation
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Natalie Norman
Executive Director, Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Youth Sport Coaching Training and Athlete Safety-Lessons Learned in Alabama
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia II
Kimberly A. Smith
Assistant Professor | Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor, University of Montevallo
Drew Ferguson
CEO Coach Safely Foundation, Coach Safely Foundation
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Natalie Norman
Executive Director, Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor
University of Montevallo
Youth Sport Coaching Training and Athlete Safety-Lessons Learned in Alabama
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia II
Kimberly A. Smith
Assistant Professor | Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor, University of Montevallo
Drew Ferguson
CEO Coach Safely Foundation, Coach Safely Foundation
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Natalie Norman
Executive Director, Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Kimberly A. Smith
Assistant Professor | Director
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Youth Sport Coaching Training and Athlete Safety-Lessons Learned in Alabama
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia II
Kimberly A. Smith
Assistant Professor | Director, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Robert Herron
Assistant Professor, University of Montevallo
Drew Ferguson
CEO Coach Safely Foundation, Coach Safely Foundation
Dr. Jimmy Robinson
Natalie Norman
Executive Director, Alabama Recreation and Parks Association
Nina Deer
Assistant Lacrosse Coach
Illinois Wesleyan University
It’s the only space where I feel like me: Developing Motivated Athletes from a Trauma-Informed Perspective
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia III
Christi Johnson
Associate Professor, Kinesiology (Sport and Exercise Psychology), Cornell College
Nina Deer
Assistant Lacrosse Coach, Illinois Wesleyan University
Ashley Raulli
CEO & CMPC, Mastery Performance Consulting
Ashley Raulli
Mastery Performance Consulting
It’s the only space where I feel like me: Developing Motivated Athletes from a Trauma-Informed Perspective
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia III
Christi Johnson
Associate Professor, Kinesiology (Sport and Exercise Psychology), Cornell College
Nina Deer
Assistant Lacrosse Coach, Illinois Wesleyan University
Ashley Raulli
CEO & CMPC, Mastery Performance Consulting
Katlin Okamoto
Director, Coach-Mentor Training
U.S. Soccer Foundation
From Coach to ‘Coach-Mentor’: A Case for Evidence-Based Mentor Training for Sport Coaches
June 12, 2023 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia I
Katlin Okamoto
Director, Coach-Mentor Training, U.S. Soccer Foundation
Sarah Pickens
VP, Programs, U.S. Soccer Foundation
Desiree Robertson
Director of Training and Product Design, MENTOR National
Desiree Robertson
Director of Training and Product Design
MENTOR National
From Coach to ‘Coach-Mentor’: A Case for Evidence-Based Mentor Training for Sport Coaches
June 12, 2023 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia I
Katlin Okamoto
Director, Coach-Mentor Training, U.S. Soccer Foundation
Sarah Pickens
VP, Programs, U.S. Soccer Foundation
Desiree Robertson
Director of Training and Product Design, MENTOR National
Sarah Pickens
VP, Programs
U.S. Soccer Foundation
From Coach to ‘Coach-Mentor’: A Case for Evidence-Based Mentor Training for Sport Coaches
June 12, 2023 1:15 PM – 2:15 PM
Magnolia I
Katlin Okamoto
Director, Coach-Mentor Training, U.S. Soccer Foundation
Sarah Pickens
VP, Programs, U.S. Soccer Foundation
Desiree Robertson
Director of Training and Product Design, MENTOR National
Christi Johnson
Associate Professor, Kinesiology (Sport and Exercise Psychology)
Cornell College
It’s the only space where I feel like me: Developing Motivated Athletes from a Trauma-Informed Perspective
June 14, 2023 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Magnolia III
Christi Johnson
Associate Professor, Kinesiology (Sport and Exercise Psychology), Cornell College
Nina Deer
Assistant Lacrosse Coach, Illinois Wesleyan University
Ashley Raulli
CEO & CMPC, Mastery Performance Consulting
Lauren McHenry
Mental Performance Consultant and Coach Developer
McHenry Mental Performance, LLC
New Developments in the Person-Centered Approach to Coach-Athlete Relationships: Coach Education, Athletes’ Self-Regard, and Implications for Resilience and Thriving in Sport
June 13, 2023 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Magnolia I
Shelby Miller
PhD Student, The University Of Tennessee
Lauren McHenry
Mental Performance Consultant and Coach Developer, McHenry Mental Performance, LLC
Dr. Rebecca Zakrajsek
Associate Professor, University of Tennessee
Shelby Miller
PhD Student
The University Of Tennessee
New Developments in the Person-Centered Approach to Coach-Athlete Relationships: Coach Education, Athletes’ Self-Regard, and Implications for Resilience and Thriving in Sport
June 13, 2023 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Magnolia I
Shelby Miller
PhD Student, The University Of Tennessee
Lauren McHenry
Mental Performance Consultant and Coach Developer, McHenry Mental Performance, LLC
Dr. Rebecca Zakrajsek
Associate Professor, University of Tennessee
Dr. Rebecca Zakrajsek
Associate Professor
University of Tennessee
New Developments in the Person-Centered Approach to Coach-Athlete Relationships: Coach Education, Athletes’ Self-Regard, and Implications for Resilience and Thriving in Sport
June 13, 2023 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM
Magnolia I
Shelby Miller
PhD Student, The University Of Tennessee
Lauren McHenry
Mental Performance Consultant and Coach Developer, McHenry Mental Performance, LLC
Dr. Rebecca Zakrajsek
Associate Professor, University of Tennessee
The Beautiful DoubleTree by Hilton Birmingham Perimeter Park will be hosting our Summit in 2023.
In order to obtain the discounted rate of $139/night please reserve your room in our room block, using this link, by May 28th, 2023. The discounted rate will only be applied if reservations are completed by May 28th, 2023.
If you are interested in joining the 2023 Summit as a Sponsor or Exhibitor, please email [email protected] for a prospectus packet.
Program Call & Submission Process
Call for abstracts will close on November 6, 2022 and lead authors will be notified by December 9, 2022.
The USCCE is looking forward to receiving a wide variety of program submissions, both academic AND non-academic, for the Summit.
All Summit submissions will be peer-reviewed for quality, clarity and program fit. In developing your submission, we encourage you to consider the following information and to review the program submission guidelines.
If you find that you are unable to attend the 2023 North American Coach Development Summit, please notify us as soon as possible.
Cancellation of your event registration after May 29th will result in no refunds.
For any cancellations before May 29th, you will recieve a $50 refund. Please email [email protected]Â for assistance.
Registration will not be accepted onsite, once the program begins.