Better Coach Development Systems
Better Coaching
Better Athlete Experiences & Outcomes

2023 North American Coach Development Summit

Thank you to our 2023 Sponsors

Registration Is Closed!

We are happy to announce that the 2025 North American Coach Development Summit registration will open soon! We look forward to seeing each of you this year in Oklahoma City, OK!

Registration will be open up until the event. However, registration will not be accepted onsite. Cancellation of your event registration after May 29th will result in no refunds. For any cancellations before May 29th, you will recieve a $50 refund.

summit tucker and randolp logo

Keynote Speakers


Dr. Lindsey Blom

Ball State Univeristy

Department Chair School of Kinesiology & Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Dr. Nicole LaVoi

University of Minnesota

Director, Tucker Center for Research on Girls & Women in Sport


Allie Riley, PhD

Girls on the Run International

Chief Program Officer

Genevieve Altomare

Genevieve Altomare

University of Northern Colorado

Graduate Assistant for Graduate Student Engagement

Lee Arakawa

Lee Arakawa

Springfield College

Assistant Professor

Ani Chroni

Ani Chroni

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences


Bobby Click

Bobby Click

US Center for SafeSport

VP Response & Resolution

Joshua Coon

Joshua Coon

San Juan College

Adjunct Psychology Instructor

Sierra Cordova

Sierra Cordova

California State University, Los Angeles

Assistant Professor

Marc O. Dagenais

Marc O. Dagenais

Adrenaline Solutions

Co-Founder & Lead Consultant

Sean Dahlin

Sean Dahlin

Central Washington University

Assistant Professor

Nina Deer

Nina Deer

Illinois Wesleyan University

Assistant Lacrosse Coach

Kristen Dieffenbach

Kristen Dieffenbach

USCCE & Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Science at WVU

Executive Director

Andrew Driska

Andrew Driska

Michigan State University

Associate Professor




Jeremy Elliott

Jeremy Elliott

University of Alabama in Huntsville

Department Chair

Drew Ferguson

Drew Ferguson

Coach Safely Foundation

CEO Coach Safely Foundation

Stephanie Fryer

Stephanie Fryer

University of Western States

Doctoral Candidate


Lori Gano-Overway

James Madison University

Associate Professor

Jarrell Garcia

Jarrell Garcia

University of Rhode Island

Associate Director of Campus Recreation

Marla Gladstone

Marla Gladstone

West Virginia University

Graduate Assistance

Mark Griffiths

Mark Griffiths

University of Birmingham

Academic / Researcher

Meghan Halbrook, Ph.D.

Meghan Halbrook, Ph.D.

Randolph College

Coaching & Sport Leadership Program Director

Sue Halden-Brown

Sue Halden-Brown

Equestrian Coach Education International Pty Ltd


Robert Herron

Robert Herron

University of Montevallo

Assistant Professor

Rich Hoyt

Rich Hoyt

University of Cincinnati

Visiting Assistant Professor, Experience-Based Learning and Career Education

Christi Johnson

Christi Johnson

Cornell College

Associate Professor, Kinesiology (Sport and Exercise Psychology)

Cameron Kiosoglous

Cameron Kiosoglous

USCCE/ Drexel/ USRowing




Jody Langdon

Jody Langdon

Georgia Southern University


Meghan Halbrook, Ph.D.

Wonhee Lee

University of Alabama

Doctoral Student

Maris Lidums

Maris Lidums

La Trobe University

Senior Lecturer Sport Coaching

Han-Earl Lim

Han-Earl Lim

West Virginia University

Doctoral student

Joanna Line

Joanna Line

Adidas x Athlete Ally Research Fellow | Athletics Inclusive

Climate & Belonging Senior Specialist Athlete Ally

Heather McCall

Heather McCall

John McCarthy

John McCarthy

Boston University

Director, Institute for Athletic Coach Education

Lauren McHenry

Lauren McHenry

McHenry Mental Performance, LLC

Mental Performance Consultant and Coach Developer

Jon Metz

Jon Metz

Shelby Miller

Shelby Miller

The University Of Tennessee

PhD Student

Christine Nash

Christine Nash

University of Edinburgh

Programme Director

Natalie Norman

Natalie Norman

Alabama Recreation and Parks Association

Executive Director

Katlin Okamoto

Katlin Okamoto

U.S. Soccer Foundation

Director, Coach-Mentor Training

Jen Oldham

Jen Oldham

Board, WFencing, Inc..

Coach & Leadership Team, Forge Fencing Academy & Club




Jannicke Nikolaisen Pettersen

Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences

Sarah Pickens

U.S. Soccer Foundation

VP, Programs


Cathleen Randall

Fencing Academy & Club 26

Chair, WFencing, Inc.; Coach & Leadership Team, Forge

Ashley Raulli

Ashley Raulli

Mastery Performance Consulting


Desiree Robertson

Desiree Robertson

Inland Norway University Of Applied Sciences

MENTOR National

Dr. Jimmy Robinson

Dr. Jimmy Robinson

Jennifer Roth

Jennifer Roth

Lauren Secaras

Lauren Secaras

Michigan State University


Audrey Shaw

Audrey Shaw


TrueSport Education Lead

Tammy Sheehy

Tammy Sheehy

Bridgewater College

Assistant Professor

Kimberly A. Smith

Kimberly A. Smith

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Assistant Professor | Director

Andreas Stamatis

Andreas Stamatis

University of Louisville

Clinical Associate Professor

Natalia Stambulova

Natalia Stambulova

Sara Steinman

Sara Steinman

Drexel University

Doctoral Student

Katherine Starr

Katherine Starr



Hannah (Severs) Swartz

Hannah (Severs) Swartz

West Virginia University

Doctoral Student & Graduate Teaching and Research Assistant

Hannah Swartz

Hannah Swartz

Doctoral student

West Virginia University

Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson

U of Southern Mississippi


Shane Thomson

Shane Thomson

John R. Todorovich

John R. Todorovich

University of West Florida



Brian Tomlinson

U.S. Center for SafeSport

Director of Investigations

Christina Villalon

Christina Villalon

Tarleton State University

Assistant Professor

Eric Williams

Eric Williams

U.S. Center for SafeSport

Director of Investigations

Charles "Hal" Wilson

Charles “Hal” Wilson

Georgia Southern University

Associate Professor of Coaching Education

Andrea Woodburn

Andrea Woodburn

Laval University

Associate Professor

Lawrie Woodman

Lawrie Woodman

Eric Williams

Dr. Rebecca Zakrajsek

University of Tennessee

Associate Professor

The Beautiful DoubleTree by Hilton Birmingham Perimeter Park will be hosting our Summit in 2023.


In order to obtain the discounted rate of $139/night please reserve your room in our room block, using this link, by May 28th, 2023. The discounted rate will only be applied if reservations are completed by May 28th, 2023.



If you are interested in joining the 2023 Summit as a Sponsor or Exhibitor, please email [email protected] for a prospectus packet.

Program Call & Submission Process

Call for abstracts will close on November 6, 2022 and lead authors will be notified by December 9, 2022.

The USCCE is looking forward to receiving a wide variety of program submissions, both academic AND non-academic, for the Summit.

All Summit submissions will be peer-reviewed for quality, clarity and program fit. In developing your submission, we encourage you to consider the following information and to review the program submission guidelines.



If you find that you are unable to attend the 2023 North American Coach Development Summit, please notify us as soon as possible.

Cancellation of your event registration after May 29th will result in no refunds.
For any cancellations before May 29th, you will recieve a $50 refund. Please email [email protected] for assistance.
Registration will not be accepted onsite, once the program begins.


Summit Presenter Guidelines

North American Coach Development Summit Presenter Guidelines [PDF]

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