Better Coach Development Systems
Better Coaching
Better Athlete Experiences & Outcomes
Coach Developers’ Network


The USCCE recognizes that not all coaching education and coach development professionals are affiliated with an organization, yet they have a lot to contribute to the movement to enrich coaching through coaching education and coach development.

​The Coach Developers’ Network (CDN) provides resources and enhanced networking opportunities for students, academics and professionals who work with coaches, develop coaching education materials, deliver coaching education training, conduct coaching research or who are just plain passionate about quality coaching education and professional development for coaches across all levels of sport.

Thank you to Sam Callan at USA Fencing for his time and efforts organizing CDN events and recording the CDN Chats. Thank you also to CDN committee member Cam Kiosoglous at US Rowing.

Coach Developers’ Academy

The inaugural USCCE/ ICCE Coach Developer Academy was held in June 2018 with 22 coach educators and coach developers from around the United States. The first workshop focused on Facilitation skills. The USCCE also provides program assessment and program specific workshops. Click for more details.

Stay tuned for exciting Coach Developer Academy announcements.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time

Get Involved

Interested in hosting a CDN chat?  Have an idea for a CDN chat or a person or topic you would like see featured on a future CDN chat? Contact us at [email protected]


Developing a Coaching Program

ICCE Standards for Higher Ed Sport Coaching Degree

International Coach Developer Framework


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