Better Coach Development Systems
Better Coaching
Better Athlete Experiences & Outcomes

Accredited & Recognized Programs

Accredited Programs

ACEing Autism

Los Angeles, CA 90025
Richard Spurling
[email protected]
Level 1: Program Director Training Program

(approved 5/20, expires 5/27)

American Youth Soccer Organization

Torrance, CA 90502
Scott Snyder
Level 1


(approved 3/17, expires 3/24)

Bridgewater College

Department of Health & Human Sciences
Bridgewater, VA 22812
Tammy Sheehy
Level 3: Undergraduate Coaching Minor Program


(approved 11/16, expires 11/23)

Clarion University

HPE Department
Clarion, PA 16214
Carol Brennan-Caplan
Level 3: Undergraduate Athletic Coaching Minor Program


(approved 5/17, expires 5/24)

Emporia State University

Emporia, Kansas 66801
Mark Stanbrough
Level 3: Coaching Minor Program
(approved 5/20, expires 5/27)
Georgia Southern University

Georgia Southern University

Department of Health and Kinesiology
Statesboro, GA 30460
Drew Zwald
Level 3: Undergraduate Minor in Coaching Behavior Program
Bridget Melton
Level 5: Master of Science Kinesiology – Coaching Concentration
(approved 12/18, expires 12/25)

Human Kinetics Coach Education Program

Coaching Principles (On-line & Face-to-Face) and Sport First-Aid Course
Champaign, Illinois 61820
Ted Miller, VP and Director of Coach Education
[email protected]
Level 3
(approved 2/15, expires 2/22)

Institute for Rowing Leadership

Community Rowing, Inc.
Brighton, MA 02135
Wayne Berger
Level 5
(approved 5/17, expires 5/24)

James Madison University

Department of Kinesiology
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Lori Gano-Overway
Level 3: Undergraduate Coaching Minor Program
(approved 11/16, expires 12/23)

Kutztown University

Health, Physical Education & Dance Department
Kutztown, PA 19530
Bernadette Bamberger
[email protected]
Level 3: Undergraduate Coaching Education Program

(approved 05/19, expires 07/26)

Professional Tennis Registry

Hilton Head, SC 29938
Anne Pankhurst
Level 1: Tennis Instructor Certification Program
(approved 05/20, expires 05/27)
Level 4: Master of Tennis Program
(approved 12/19, expires 12/27)

Smith College

Dept. of Exercise & Sport Studies
Northampton, MA 01063
Lynn Oberbillig
Level 5
(approved 5/14, expires 5/21)

Southern Arkansas University

Health, Kinesiology, and Recreation Department
Magnolia, AR 71753
Steve Dingman
Level 3: Master of Science Kinesiology – Coaching Program


(approved 10/17, expires 10/24)

Special Olympics North America

Wilmington, NC 28411
Gary Cimaglia
Level 3
(approved 12/18, expires 12/25)

University of Central Florida

School of Kinesiology and Physical Therapy
Orlando, FL 32816
Jeff Duke
Level 3: Undergraduate Sport and Athletic Coaching Track
(approved 12/19, expires 12/27)

University of Northern Colorado

School of Sport and Exercise Science
Greeley, Colorado 80639
Scott Douglas
Level 5: Sports Coaching Master’s Degree
(approved 1/18, expires 1/25)

University of Southern Mississipi

School of Kinesiology and Nutrition
Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406
Melissa Thompson
Level 3: BS in Sport Coaching Education
Level 5: MS in Sport Coaching Education
(approved 05/18, expires 7/25)

USA Football

Indianapolis, IN 46204
Michael Krueger
Level 1: Tackle & Flag Coach Certification Courses
(approved 01/12, expires 01/19, extended to 12/21)

USA Track & Field

Indianapolis, IN 46204
Matt Rohlf
Level 1: USATF Level 1 Coaching Education Program
(approved 05/20, expires 05/27)
Level 3: USATF Level 3 Coaching Education Program
(approved 02/17, expires 02/23)

United States Sports Academy

Daphne, Alabama 36526
Roch King
Level 3: BSS in Sports Coaching
(approved 3/20, expires 3/27)

Western Michican University

Master of Arts in Coaching Sport Performance
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008
Zeljka Vidic
Level 5
(approved 1/15, expires 6/22)

The Following are Approved Providers for Domain-Specific Accreditation

Cheer Conditioning Academy

Richmond Surrey TW92PR
Jessica Zoo
Approved provider for Domain 3: Physical Conditioning and Domain 5: Teaching and Communication (Level 3).
(approved 12/19, expires 12/27)

Classical Academy of Arms

Glen Allen, VA 23060
Walter Green, PhD
Approved provider for Domain 6: Sport Skills & Tactics (Level 5).
(approved 12/19, expires 12/27)

Play Like A Champion Today, University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Kristin Sheehan
Approved provider for Domain 1: Philosophy and Ethics, and Domain 4: Growth & Development (Level 1) for Sport as Ministry Program. Approved provider for Domain 1: Philosophy & Ethics (Level 3) for Play Like a Champion Today High School Program.
(approved 11/17, expires 11/24)

U.S. Track & Field and Cross Country Coaches Association

New Orleans, LA 70163
Irving Schexnayder
Approved provider for Domain 3: Physical Conditioning (Level 5)
(approved 11/15, expires 11/22)

Recognition for Alignment with the National Standards for Sport Coaches

TrueSport (USADA)

Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Betsy Douglass
Approved provider for CORE RESPONISIBILITY: Engage in and Support Ethical Practices

(approved 5/21, expires 5/28)

News Updates

2022 Summit – Call for Programs Extended

2022 Summit – Call for Programs Extended

Call for Programs for the North American Coach Development Summit is extended until November 14. The annual summit is organized by the United States Center for Coaching Excellence annual conference. It features practical application of research-based coaching...

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