Better Coach Development Systems
Better Coaching
Better Athlete Experiences & Outcomes


Our Goals

The goal of NCACE is to maximize the availability of qualified coaches for all sport programs. We believe this occurs when programs provide curricular content aligned with best practices in coaching.  While NCACE has a rigorous review process that provides the highest quality, empirically-based guidance for the creation, implementation, and evaluation of coach education and coach development programs, they recognize that programs may not have the resources to commit to a fully accredited program or may want to start with developing quality curricular content to deliver to coaches.  The recognition program provides programs the opportunity to do this. 


In the recognition program the focus is on complying with 5 Guidelines:  

  1. Clear Mission and Goals
  2. Clear and Inclusive Entry Qualifications
  3. Qualified Administrative Leader
  4. Qualified Instructional Staff or Course Developers
  5. Curricular Content: Coach education provider delivers curricular content that is aligned with SHAPE America’s National Standards for Sport Coaches based on course objectives, learning experiences, and assessments

Recognition Fees

$700 base fee which includes at least one Core Responsibility, increases by $50 for each additional Core Responsibility that is reviewed, with a cap at $1,000. This price structure is for both nonprofit and for-profit.

Recognition lasts for 7 years. To maintain, a Recognized program must retain organizational membership for the final 6 years of this cycle.

Rates for Recognition renewals have not been determined at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get Recognition Status for my program?
Complete this application and submit it to receive more information about accreditation process and be enrolled in the training programs.


Once training is completed, you will be asked to put together a comprehensive folio that represents the 5 guidelines. This will be evaluated by NCACE.
I know my program does not meet all of the National Standards. Can I still get Recognition Status?

Programs can seek a comprehensive or core responsibility accreditation. Comprehensive accreditation involves the program meeting all seven core responsibilities and 42 standards as part of the SHAPE America’s National Standards for Sport Coaches. However, programs can seek Core Responsibility Accreditation which involves the program meeting the standards within one or more Core Responsibilities.

How will my program be evaluated to determine Recognition Status?

A review panel of coach education experts who have been trained in the NCACE Accreditation process will review your folio against the 5 Accreditation Guidelines. Further information regarding the review process and criteria will be provided during the training process.

What programs currently have recognition status?

The Recognition program was approved in 2020 and the first set of programs will be reviewed in 2021. Therefore, no programs are currently recognized.

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